Saturday, 16 November 2019


Wiktoria is prize winner of several classical guitar competitions as a soloist and chamber player including first prizes in Gdansk and Gryfice Trzebiatow. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: I would say, that Spanish repertoire 20th century is very close to my heart, I love to play pieces by Albeniz, Torroba, Mompou. Wiktoria played concerts in Europe and South America, including: Which particular works do you think you play best? wiktoria szubelak

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Wiktoria Szubelak, guitarist

Be honest with yourself and listen to your inner voice! I would say, that Spanish repertoire 20th century is very close to my heart, I love to play pieces by Albeniz, Torroba, Mompou. I would say, that Spanish repertoire 20th century is very close to my heart, I love to play pieces by Albeniz, Torroba, Mompou Do you have a favourite concert venue to perform in and why? You are commenting using your Google account.

What do you consider to be the most important ideas and concepts to szublak to aspiring musicians? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Apparently I was interested in anything musical very early in my childhood, I loved singing and dancing! You are commenting using your WordPress.

Dyens and also concerts for guitar and orchestra Rodrigo, Ponce, Vivaldi. Which particular works do you think you play best? Previous Post Reiko Fujisawa, pianist. And it is incredibly challenging to balance private life with career.

Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: There are many beautiful and magical concert venues in the world, but it all depends on acoustic, my feelings about that particular concert, audience and the quality of the performance.

Notify me azubelak new comments via email. My father used to play the guitar and sing rock songs, so maybe that was one of the reasons I started with classical guitar.

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wiktoria szubelak

What have been the greatest challenges of your career so far? You should ask the audience!

wiktoria szubelak

Not to let external pressures and the wrong reasons for making music get wiktorria the way of my love for music and szubela, the guitar. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Wiktoria is prize winner of several classical guitar competitions as a soloist and chamber player including first prizes in Gdansk and Gryfice Trzebiatow.

She has been honoured multiple times with prestigious awards and scholarships for artistic achievement, such as Polish Minister of Culture Scholarship, the City of Wroclaw Scholarship, the City of Warsaw Scholarship, The National Herritage Scholarship. Right where I am now — practicing, working, cooking for my friends, dancing salsa and enjoying life!

Wiktoria Szubelak

One Comment Add yours Pingback: Wiktoria Szubelak is one of the most talented young Polish classical guitarists. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.

We are the sum of all our experiences. I am the wrong person to answear this question! You are commenting using your Facebook account. Varied repertoire of Wiktoria Szubelak includes music of different periods and styles such as J. Who or what inspired you to take up the guitar pursue a career in music?

wiktoria szubelak

You are commenting using your Twitter account. Wiktoria played concerts in Europe and South America, including: Notify me of new posts via email.

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