Saturday, 7 December 2019


Garnering a frankly insane k hits since it went up last Tuesday, this is Deco at his best; a gorgeous Gumi voice, amazingly strong guitar line and a hook that grabs you by the collar and shakes you. Desire didn't even come close to my preferences - dark and solemn and mopey and with a thumping bass, I skipped quickly past it, but it's included as it may well be someone's cup of tea. Nicovideo has been absurdly kind to me, with a bevy of awesome new tracks, even if most of them are Miku-centric. Unfortunately there's a marked tendency to veer off into chipmunk pop and the music itself doesn't quite grab me. She'd better show up in the anime. Simesaba Twisters keep their reputation for very strange songs, however. lat akita neru

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This isn't as catchy as the original Nicomedleys - the voices certainly are very muddy, compared to a solid piece of midi work - but you may find it worth a lesson to see how many you get.

lat akita neru

She'd better show up in the anime. If anyone else wants to take a crack at them, I salute you, sir. CyberMiku' aside - you can imagine the faces I made at that one - this is possibly the best MMD video I've seen in the longest time. Post a new comment. I'll try to make up for it by being scathing to some of them Unfortunately there's a marked tendency to veer off into chipmunk pop and the music itself doesn't quite grab me.

Kat, I actually like Lat!

lat akita neru

If you find something glorious that isn't related to singing robots but you just want to share, dump it there post-haste because dear god, I just can't keep up with Nico as a whole right now. Log in No account?

Desire didn't even come close nerk my preferences - dark and solemn and mopey and with a thumping bass, I skipped quickly past it, but it's included as it may well be someone's cup of tea. Both are ridiculously cheery and the perfect remedy for a grumpy face. Their duet is performed admirably, and the uplifting strumming of guitars and shaking of maraccas pushes this track well into feel-good territory. This piano-and-spanish-guitar track makes liberal use of a brass band in the background and lxt perfectly pitched Miku.

Breathe Easy is much of the same, but concentrating on the vocals and the saxophones. I don't even begin to know, but it's quite a bit more pleasant to my ears than many of kous' tracks.

Weekly Roundup: singing_robots — LiveJournal

Style rather than an endless array of Miku variants. Your IP address will be recorded. Feminity first up - this is the cleaner and slightly mixed version of the Project EATA release found here and boasts a nicely laid-back bassline, but doesn't really grab me, and Miku really feels too high for the song at several points.

Generation's Sensation is a relentless head-bopper of a ajita track which sounds like it's borrowing strongly from Nekomimi Switch but carries it off so joyously you won't care. I continue to eat my words as regards Append Dark's sound; although occasionally wobbly, it's some seriously good singing.

Mmd triple baka

Garnering a frankly insane nedu hits since it went up last Tuesday, this is Deco at his best; a gorgeous Gumi voice, amazingly strong guitar line and a hook that grabs you by the collar and shakes you. Or, in other more traditional words: Nicovideo has been absurdly kind to me, with a bevy of awesome new tracks, even if most of them are Miku-centric.

Neru here; she's in a distinctive outfit and her facial structure and style is actively different to the Lat norm, which I consider excellent progress. Not the greatest track to kareoke to, but an interesting piece of ambient funkiness.

lat akita neru

Miku's chorus invites headbopping, a shifting in your chair, and a very definite tapping of the feet; the lilting and jaunty piano only helps.

A very pleasant Miku sound and a relatively upbeat track full of Anonymous comments are disabled in this journal.

As a warning, I may lapse into even more superlatives than normal this week. Great animation - watch for all the little touches, like Chibi Miku being a douche to PetiteMiku or Haku saving the day. Post a new comment 12 comments. Simesaba Twisters keep their nedu for very strange songs, however. Sadly and on the other hand, though, I can't help but feel Rin's been hit pretty hard by the copy-paste tools. Second up I'm not about to try to translate them, but you should probably know that the Special Rankings are up if you're into that kind of thing - a separate video for each robot covering the last 6 months.

Combine, add a pinch of excellent PV, and serve.

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